Member-only story
A poem that questions the law
Within the cages where men can’t hide
Reside the worse and those beside
They cannot leave to walk life’s path
Their days are numbered soon their lastWhat pain they caused is now renown
Frowned upon by every town
They cast their anger un-rightly so
As they were taken away in towOne alone stands out this day
A single blow did put his friend away
Ending the life of a loving mate
This crime is his and so his fateHe stands alone with his own fears
This curse he caused he solemnly bares
Now to be judged by twelve unknown peers
Not a one this day can feel his tearsSoon the hangman will tie the knot
And death will come as he quickly drops
This way has been for many years
The gathered crowd screaming cheersShould we in future times put a stop
From what we witnessed on this spot
And…allow him to live in a small dark room
That ends this sort of senseless doom.
(A poem from the Wolrad collection #210)