Swan Lake — A Copy and Paste Poem by Wolrad (#20)

2 min readOct 14, 2020

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Photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash

Swan Lake

I can hear their sounds so softly
The white Swans that glide about
I can see the lotus blooming
As they juggle for some clout
I’m in that dream where I’m alone
The scene is cloudy without rain
I sense the water’s motion
I’m deep within and there’s no pain
Will I wake and be much wiser
As this dream has once again
Brought me closer to a heaven
From this place where I pay rent
My eyes for just a moment blink
Where is this place I cannot think
Bring me back I ask for one more view
I promise I’m not sure to who
I wake the morning’s filled with light
I’ve dreamt my way throughout the night
I watch in awe the morning sky
White clouds against the blue roll by.

(From Copy and Paste Poem #20 by Wolrad)

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WOLRAD the pen name of Mark Darlow, writer, songwriter, poet, invites you to visit his website at www.iwonderdoyou.com and enjoy his books and songs.